Challenge Will - Oxford Tube has a problem. In fact, let's not kid ourselves. It has more than one problem:
1)The one thing I have to do organisationally and see if the Oxford Tube coach services does a day ticket. This once seemed likely (that they do a day ticket), but a recent anecdotal conversation suggested they may not.
Their number 01865 772250 was once a 24/7 line. I called it about a year ago and it wasn't any longer. It is now office hours only. I keep meaning to call back.
2) It's a fucking tedious way to get drunk.
We will have to meet in London, get on a bus, get off a bus, tramp to a pub, wait for another bus, get on another bus, get off, walk, etc, ad inifinitum.
I said to Nic that we could just meet up at Victoria, have a pint and then go to Oxford and have a gentle stroll around the beautiful pubs in the city centre. But then she pointed out that it wasn't much of a challenge and should therefore be just called Will.
My feeling was to wonder why on earth we'd bother going to Oxford - which involves at least three hours travelling (ie not drinking) and sitting on a coach, when there are plenty of lovely undiscovered pubs much closer to home.
I suggest the Challenge Will is us meeting up on Saturday 9 December. Where and how can be debated nearer the time. This has all the advantages of us meeting up and going for a drink, with none of the disadvantages, to which we can add nice pubs, less travelling and more people. Might be a nice Christmassy thing and still, given how busy and distant we all are, represents something of a challenge.
New pubs-a-go-go!
For the first time in nearly 100 years, I'm posting some new pubs.
First up, as we say on the radio, Al and I tried to do a Northern line pub
crawl. Except...
19 years ago
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