Sunday, September 24, 2006

Marketing digital radio to the ladies?

I'm not sure I want one of these, from the latest catalogue of those fine purveyors of gold-plated hi-fi leads, Russ Andrews:

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My new record label

Hello everyone. Sorry I've been so quiet, but I've been in Australia and all that.

I've also been working very hard on releasing the first CD on my new label, Quincunx Sound Recordings. The CD is called First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Kommando Raumschiff Zitrone,the duo of Kai Fagaschinski and Christof Kurzmann. Copies are available from Sound 323 at the bargain price of £9.99 or, if you want a special WPG Lock In discount, directly from me. Contributors to WPG get a free copy if they ask.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

An appeal for sanity...

The Lock-in is the place for drunken rants. While the sun is not yet over the yard-arm (well, we'll give it a couple more minutes), I am ready to rant about the London free newspaper war.

In a bid to walk off at least one or two of the beer-related calories, I am now walking from Liverpool Street to Regulator Towers each morning and back again in the evening. The morning stroll is pleasant enough, but the afternoon jaunt is now a constant fight against distributors of London Lite and the rival thelondonpaper trying to thrust their wares into your hands. Now, I'm all for something for nothing, and I don't actually mind thelondonpaper, despite its hilarious Pete Doherty/P Diddy confusion. But the distributors, particularly around Bank station, are literally on every corner. On Friday, I counted them, and in my twenty minute walk, there were twelve free newspaper people. And that's not counting the suicidal looking Evening Standard (50p!) vendors... It's got to the point where I'm missing being harrassed by the chuggers at London Bridge tube.

So, an open appeal to Associated and NewsCorp: while I applaud the thorough nature of your distribution plans, please stop this freebie madness!

Man of the Pies

I walked past this van last week, and thought of Dave.

If I ever have an event that needs caterers, this is the man I'll be calling...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Fame at last II

This week's Now magazine and who is that slightly grubby looking journalist interviewing Martin Fowler off of EastEnders and the other actress whose name I can't remember?

Me (pictured left, with someone else), that's who. I don't have very pretty legs and now one of them has appeared in a national celebrity magazine. That's not good, is it?

Will writes:
And here is that offending picture. I hadn't seen this posting last night, and TCMJ and I spent the train journey home trying to work out whether it was indeed Lord Wallis of Walton-on-Thames...

Image courtesy: whoever left Now Magazine on the 2300 to Ipswich.

What are the chances of that?

So there I was, in Hamleys yesterday. And who should I bump into but Emily Dubberly!

Despite the fact she supposedly lives in Brighton, there she was, in Hamleys. She gave me her tiny card (how trendy) which appears to take into account the fact she now seems to have two surnames.

Anyway, we had a chat about what she was up to and the fact she was mentioned on our blog and given that she now seems to write about sex for every major magazine publication going, she has provisionally agreed to be a sex correspondent for us too.

When I say "provisionally", I mean it in a made up and untrue sense, but I thought it would be fun to have a sex correspondent for the beer guide, given the two are usually mutually exclusive.

Although a lot of people supposedly conceive when they're drunk... not that gracefully, I would imagine...