I can only repeat what I said in my speech (see above!) - thank you to everyone who made it to York, and for the great gifts. You will get a thank you card (if TCMJs spreadsheet has worked correctly), but not until we're back from honeymoon here.
Will Kinder is now working on the DVD for the Spring release of a three disc collectors edition box set (TBC). I can exclusively reveal that the out-takes reel will include Helen knocking back a glass of mulled wine in one, and me checking my watch during Antony's speech. Despite what it looks like, I wasn't bored HONEST, just worried that I'd gone on too long. Curse those cameras that see EVERYTHING!
In the meantime, if you can't wait and would like to hear the excellent promo that James Stodd and Will Kinder produced (yes, those are the Capital newsreaders, thanks Matthew and Tony!) then TCMJ has worked out that the best way to do this is to put the audio on our wedding homepage. There, you'll see a link marked "wedding promo". Click on that and 6'24" of glorious production (7.3MB download - so may take a while!) should arrive for your listening pleasure. For some reason we're not entirely sure of, you may need to add the .mp3 extension to the file name for it to work.
Whilst you're downloading that, here's my lovely WIFE and I:

And some other hangers on:

Start as you mean to go on: The Queens Hotel Bar, 0030, Saturday
I don't believe Al was as drunk as he looks here, haranguing passers-by
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