Music: This week I have mostly been listening to:
Lemon Jelly. Nick was surprised I was going to see them live, as he thought they were cool. I should probably be offended.
Annie. Perfect pop princess from Norway, produced by Royksopp, who I also probably shouldn't have heard of. She (and the new single Heartbeat) will be huge, mark my words. Others I have played this to did find it a little over-saccarin - but then we were in a car on the way to a funeral.
And Alastair sent me this destruction in Stylus Magazine of Radio 1's Chart Show with JK and Joel. It's excellently written and deserves a wider audience. If you didn't already know, Joel Ross out of JK'n'... is really Joel Hogg, who used to work at Trafficlink Middlesbrough with TFMJ. So it's all my fault, I guess.
Other things of note this week have been:
Look Around You. An anorak's dream, especially the continuity announcements; it's just a shame they forgot to write any jokes. But for me, the star of the show was Medibot.

Medibot, in the 1970s.
On cable and scatterlite, my two recommendations are:
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Global Edition from Comedy Central - you'll find this tucked away as a weekend filler on CNN. I think this show is now the official opposition to Bush's America.
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, on Cartoon Network. This is where your imaginary friends go to when you've finished with them. It's the new show from the guy behind The Powerpuff Girls, and is worth it for the excellent theme music alone.
And finally, I wanted to sign up to become a volunteer dog walker at Battersea Dogs Home. It'd get me off the sofa and I'd get dog fuss at the same time: everyone's a winner. Then I find you can only walk dogs between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. Who says? And more importantly, why? Surely the only people free at this time are those not working because they're too old, lazy or infirm, or all three, and therefore aren't able to walk dogs. Stupid dogs, stupid Dogs Home. So I'm sticking to sponsoring Merlin The Meerkat at Drusillas Park in Sussex, who doesn't need walking.

Merlin (possibly), not being walked yesterday.
Next time: My general election predictions, and either here or on the main site, the annual Essex University Graduates London Pub Reunion.
PS: Lunch news: Venison burgers from Chadwick's, the finest butcher in all Sarf London.
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