Sunday, March 19, 2006

And Matt saw this...

marginally more intellectual link (but don't let that put you off!), and thought of us:

Beer as in journalism

Monday, March 13, 2006

Ian Gardner goes to Bangkok...

...could be the opening line of well over 1000 jokes. But instead, it's the opportunity to post two pictures that Ian's sent me. The first is claimed to be a big pint, but cheats (see the rules, Garders) by using a very big pint rather than perspective. Although admittedly, that is the biggest pint I've seen. Actually, I'm feeling rather thirsty...

The second is clearly inviting a caption competition... look what Garders has pulled in a bar this time! Well, those elephants always love a sleight of hand magic trick. And how come the one with the tusks has got better taste in shirts?

Use the comments form to suggest your own captions or mail me!